Yes This morning we woke up to SNOW! I'm not too happy about it but its there!
I woke up to get Rick out the door, about 2:30am I got up and got things ready to go for Rick! Looked at the temp in the house and out side! 55 inside and 34 out side! I go and crawl back in bed and Rick gets up and checks the Pass report - snow snow snow! Then he goes and looks out the window and says " Guess that I didn't need to check the pass report because its snowing!" I was like Really! and Sure enough it was snowing!
SO I am driving my car in the snow! Not too happy about that one! So once Ricky left at 3 am! I stand and watch the snow for a couple of minutes! Then I crawl back in bed! I'm there for about 10 to 15 minutes... The lights flicker... then you know the sound in the movies as if something is powering down?... well that happened and yup yup yup the power was out! I believe that it is still out. I crawled out of bed started a fire. Called the Husband and said not only is the power out it is snowing and he left his pillow at home! OOPS so this day is not so good!
I'm at work now and have not been back to sleep! 4 and a half hours tops of sleep last night! UGH Well See how this day goes!
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