Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What has happened! 5.5 months

So my last post was 2 days before I had my girls! Crazy as it may be it is so true. They are almost 6 months old. They have been in out of the hospital for about 5 months. OH yes I had baby girls. My husband and I both thought that we were going to be having at least 1 boy..... LOL!! that didn't happen now did it because we have 2 very beautiful girls.
The 22 and 23 days at the hospital were very difficult. I was and still am amazed at how things went while they were there. We did not expect them to come home until August 5 my due date. The girls surprised the doctors and nurses. I had to be one of the happiest people when I was told that my girls could come home. I was expecting Courtney (baby B) to come home first and Wynnona (baby A) to come home a week or so later.
Above pictures are of Wynnona at the hospital she was 2lbs 11ozs. Below pictures are of Courtney she was 3lbs 8 oz

To be able to come home the girls had 3 requirements
  1. Breath on their own.  - they passed this one in a week
  2. Hold temperature and have continuous weight gain - it took 2 to 2 and 1/2 weeks to accomplish this one.
  3. Feed all feedings from a nipple - let it be a bottle or breast. This is the one that I thought that was going to take the girls a while to get. Once Courtney got a bottle she really didn't want to let it go - she was a slow eater but she could eat once given the chance. Wynnona was taken off of the continuous feed on Friday and went to a bottle and did great. She just CHOWED down. It was almost as if she was starving. She was out on Monday!

Courtney was discharged to our custody on Sunday July 1st and Wynnona was discharged on Monday July 2nd. When we left the hospital at 1pm ish to head home I asked Rick so when do you want to leave - meaning that that was our week to go fishing/camping every year the rest of the family had left on Friday. Rick was pretty pissed off that he could not go because I was traveling between the hospital and home and he had 2 little baby girls in the hospital. After I asked him he just looked at me like what are you talking about..... I knew he wanted to go and had been up to something the night before. He had packed up almost everything that we needed and was ready to leave. We got home I showered and got the girls ready (packed up what clothing I had all of which was too big) and we left on our fishing trip.
By the time we headed home I was ready to start life at home with the new additions to the family.

The girls have changed my life drastically. I love them so much it is insane. We have had a rough road to get to where we are now but the girls are doing amazing and surprise me every day. At 4 months old they could roll over from being on their stomach to their backs. they are sucking on their thumbs and they are happy most of the time. It took Wynnona longer to realize that things were not as bad as she thought she has finally started to smile most of the time and is not crying most of the time. Courtney is just as happy as happy can be. She tend to squeal when she is happy and has a  high pitched cry. She is also a slobbery mess. Courtney wants to start crawling she knows that she wants to move but doesn't know how to do it quite yet. Wynnona wants to walk, she wants to stand all the time. I have started to put both of them in the walker and the johnny jump up. They love it. they can look around.

Yes my life is so different. I don't do much of anything anymore. I am a stay at home mom for sure. There is no way that I could work and enjoy my girls the way that I do. Some days I think that working would be so much easier than dealing with my girls, especially when they are fussy.
Motherhood is not what I expected it to be. It is at least 10 times harder. Sleep deprivation is only part of it. I will try and keep you updated on how things are going from here on out. But that all depends on how the girls do and how tired I am. I will also try and get you updated pics of the girls.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

At Home Mommy!

As of May 25 I became a stay at home mom.... I don't really know how I feel about that yet but it is going to be a great adventure.

So far I am completely bored at home. I don't know what to do with myself. I have been tackling the house little by little. I am trying to baby proof different areas. I know that I can't do it all by myself so I just wait. I am trying to be better with my patients with others helping me out and with having to ask people for help.

I am excited and nervous to be come a mommy. I know that I am good with other peoples kids but how am I going to be with my own child? I know that I will find out once these babies are here. There are so many things that I am told don't worry about it will just come to you. Well I feel that if I don't worry about it then who is, how am I going to understand certain things. I worry about them so I won't have the weird crazy dreams. Even though some of the dreams put me at ease.

I have so many questions to ask but I don't know who to ask them. I don't know many people with twins and I feel that I'm in a way lost.

I have also decided that I will need something to from home to distract me from time to time. So I am in the start up phase of an at home business. My at home business is Advocare. It is a product that has been helping people lose weight and athletes performance levels. I am really excited to get this started and share my results with others. I will start taking the products once I have had the twins because I don't know how much longer they will be inside of me and don't really want to start something new.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Twenty Weeks!

Above are some pictures of the babies! You can tell what baby is which by the A and B on the bottom. Baby A in my belly is on the bottom and baby B is on top. As I was told they are on bunk beds. They will always be this way while I'm pregnant. Baby a will be the first out.
Yes I am 20 weeks! It is absolutely crazy... Half way there.
I wake up every day and say to myself WOW my belly has grown over night! Well this morning my wonderful husband looks at my belly and says wow your belly really does grow over night doesn't it. He just loves my belly! Sometimes he will just sit there and rub my belly. He loves me pregnant so much... sometimes it makes me think that he may want more babies after this! I don't know if I can handle that one!
So this week we had our 19 or 20 week ultrasound. The ultrasound was scheduled for 1 hour and when I got there the ultrasound tech was like you are having twins! Well 1 hour isn't long enough to get all the pictures that we need and they had to change my ultrasound for 2 hours. So there I sat... well shall I say laying there for 2 hours.... 1 hour per twin. By the time the ultrasound was done my back ached like a .... and my belly was so soar! I had to wait for 1/2 an hour after the ultrasound was done to see the doctor.... The doctor asked that I cut my hours to 40 a week and that I try and spread them out through out the week..... she also wants me to do the test for pre- eclampsia.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

More Baby Pics

Hey so I have not updated ya'll lately so here is an updated.

Above are some of the pics from the last Ultrasound that I had. There are 2 of each. Twin A and Twin B....

Babies are growing like crazy... as is my belly. We are getting excited about them coming in 4.5 months. Yes I am half way there. The babies are the size of my hands. I will be getting another update on them on the 13th of March.... when I will be around 20 weeks. As of right now we are not finding out what we are having ( I have been thinking it may be easier to find out what they are so preparing the house for them and getting outfits but... I just don't know).

So when we get more information I will update again. Also if you have anyquestions go ahead and ask I'll answer!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Belly Pictures Week 14

The first two are taken on Friday 2/10/2012 at my parents house. This picture was taken on Saturday 2/11/2012! It is at my friend Miranda's house with her baby girl Kailee! These are from week 14!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ultrasound Pictures

The top image is baby B and the bottom one is baby A! When they were doing the ultrasound baby B was moving like crazy! Rick was wondering why I couldn't feel the baby! I think that sometime I do but I don't realize that it is them.

During this last week we have gotten more used to the fact that we are having twins. I am still going back and forth but I'm getting better at being excited. I am extremely emotional.

Rick is very excited to become a daddy again... I think that he is more excited than anyone else. He has been so sweet. No matter what my mood is he know what to do and how to calm me down. He is always making sure that I'm ok and that the babies are good. He makes sure that I am eating right and not eating junk... even though all I ever want to eat is fruit and veggies. Thanks to him i will be able to get through this.

I think that it was on Wednesday I had dinner in the crock pot and we went and did our 10 hour work day. When we got home I went to the crock pot to see how dinner was and it had not cooked at all. I just started to cry... I was so upset that dinner was not cooked. I was so excited to eat this dinner. As I am standing there in front of the crock pot crying and Andrew says something along the lines of "dad I got to tell you that when girls are pregnant they just get angry..."

Rick responds "no"

Andrew " Mad"

Rick - " no, just emotional"

While the boys are talking about this I am crying and go to the restroom. Rick looks at me because I'm still crying and says "its okay babe we can just have something else for dinner its really okay..."

I love having a husband that is always there for me even thought I am crazy these days.

If there is anything that you want to ask just leave a comment or facebook me and I will respond to you personally or I will respond on the blog. Let me know!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pregnant .... with TWINS!

Just so everyone knows this blog is now going to be about me and my pregnancy with twins I want to blog about almost everything that happens just like I would in a journal. So here goes anything.

Yes!!! I am pregnant.... I am pregnant with twins! On January 20th Andrew, Rick and I went to the doctors for my first doctors appointment. We went in and everything went normal we found out that I was 11 weeks 5 days... that was a week later than I thought that I was. I was okay with this news kind of excited. That I was almost 12 weeks the doctor said that we would be doing an ultrasound to check the baby!

The news of doing an ultrasound was very exciting and very nervous. We do the normal doctor stuff then go over to the ultrasound room. I get all ready for the ultrasound and the doctor does some little things before the ultrasound starts.

As soon as the ultrasound starts she says well we have a surprise for you! I look up at my husband (Rick) and tell him that we are having twins! I looked at the screen and there were 2 little white dots not 1 there were 2. At that point I didn't know what to think or feel. I don't know how long we were in there looking at the ultrasound but it was a while and the whole time the doctor was talking to us about these babies that are in me. She told us what type of twins she thought that they were but by the time she was telling us that I was crying and not paying attention. Rick was just trying to figure out what was going on and I don't know what Andrew was doing because he was behind the curtain.

By the end of the appointment I was pretty much balling. I had joked about having twins with Ricky once and he had said something about it at the appointment. All I could do was cry. The doctor said something along the lines of me reacting the right way and that everything would work out. She also told me that everything was ok because I have 2 boobs - I still don't know what to think about that comment other than maybe feedings will be easier. After the doctor left the room Rick came over and I told him that it wasn't funny anymore. He just hugged me.

On the way home all I could think about was what aer we going to do with twins? How am I going to take care of my husband, stepson and two babies? What am I going to do? This is now what we had planned. and there was so much more going through my mind all I could do was cry. We went over to Ricks parents house with our ultra sound pictures and told them that we were pregnant... It definitely took them a while to understand that we were having twins.

We wanted to wait until both my parents were home to let them know so we had decided to wait until after our next appointment to tell them. That didn't quite workout because my mom wanted me to go and hang out with her the next day and I had to come up with some excuse not to go and do something with her when all I wanted to do was tell her that I was pregnant with twins. So on Sunday morning I got on the phone with my dad and told him my mom was at church so I couldn't tell her. I called both of my brothers and let them know. I finally got a hold of my mom and she was in the car with my sister. I think that I got the best reaction from them. I had hidden this from them for 12 weeks... All my mom could say was that she could not believe that I did not tell her.

It was such a relief to tell people it was like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. Then again it was just put into a bump on my belly! Yes I have a baby bump already. My next scheduled Ultrasound was the 27th (yesterday) and I will have to write about that one tomorrow or something because I'm tired and thinking about going to be. I will also post ultra sound pics tomorrow from the first Ultrasound.

Let me know what your thinking about all of this.