So I have wanted to write a blog or start a journal or something to get things out of my head... so sorry in advance if things seem jumbled....
Today just like every other day I got to spend it with my two amazing two year olds. They are truly amazing! I am so overwhelmed with how much I love them. The girls were jumping up and down on the couch and running around the house with their strollers!!
C has been such a mommys girl and being so shy. She actually hid behind my leg today when we went outside and the neighbors were out. I think that the neighbors, other than grandparents, are the people that the girls are around the most. So it was just weird that C was being so shy. But she comes up to me and give me the biggest hug and kiss and just wants to chill with mommy! I love that feeling.
W is just like her daddy... She is so out going and so funny and smart. Sometimes it is hard to look at her and no fall in love with her over and over again. Even on the days that she is cranky and fussy. I love her more and more. She can fuss over her sister sealing her blankie but then she can be the nicest and give her sister a hug when she got in trouble for doing something mean.
My girls will always be my girls even when the pull stuff out of the garbage or throw their food on the floor. They help me put their toys away at the end of the day and they act all crazy like when they are tired and ready for bed. They talk to me like we are having a real conversation and I don't even know half of what they are saying. They help me open the fridge so we can get them some milk or a snack. They pull everything off the counters and pull all the Tupperware out of the cupboards. They take off their own diapers and put them in the garbage. They help me wash the windows (dryer sheets seem to be the favorite) and help fold the laundry.
No matter what they are doing I never want to forget these little things that they do, even if it is really annoying. I know that they are my girls and I love them and nothing will ever change that.
So to the little things. In the end they will be the big things!